Monday, November 14, 2011

PE4 Quizlet

I want to go further in depth about, so I went back to the site and started from scratch so I could really get a feel for how I would teach my students to use it. Unfortunately, access to computers for all my students is not available often, so I face the difficulty of teaching them how to use Quizlet with limited capability for them to practice. First step is getting to the website,

Once on the site, my students will have to click on sign up in the top right corner and create their own accounts. I would probably allow about 5-7 minutes for them to create their accounts, suggesting that they use their student ID number and password as their username and password so they do not forget it, and in case they do, I can easily provide them with the necessary information.

Once the students have created their accounts, it is time for them to create their first flashcard sets. We'll cover that and more in the next post.

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