Sunday, June 17, 2012

MAC Wk 3 Blog Response - David Sholiton

MAC WK3 Reading

In order to change the world, you must have the leadership qualities necessary to make other people powerful. As a leader, you must be able to take away the anxiety that people have that holds them back from recognizing the state of possibility. In that space, a true leader is able to transform the relationship. When there is a breakdown in a relationship, they are not able to progress forward. In a fixed reality, there is domination, control, survival and on the other side there is infinite possibilities. Goals need to be part of the vision. If a goal is not met, it does not mean that you have not made progress. Sometimes, possibility comes from not meeting the goal intended because you end up with a better outcome. The new leader is the person that can distinguish down word spiral to moving people to possibility. Every interaction is a possibility. It is important to celebrate continuously outcomes and possibility. 

The characteristic of a good leader is one that can spot the downward spiral thinking and circumvent it with conversation of possibility.  If education can find more leaders with this quality that can empower others to lead from their seat with the same mind-frame, education will begin to create the thinkers that we need for this age. Our lives are so filled with the "can't do" mentality and we need to start training people to rise above the wall they have surrounded themselves with after years of bombardment with downward spiral thinking. That is the task of the effective new leader, create the mindset of continuous possibility.

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